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Apr 22, 2024

Update #2

Happy Earth Day changemakers! 🌎 It's been 4 weeks, and it's time for another update! Our goal is to make sure that every time we put out one of these updates that the information is worthwhile and directly relevant to our users and community. Seeing as we're still a (very) small team, a cadence of 3-4 weeks feels like a good fit to be certain that these updates are consistently up to the standard we've set.

What have we been up to?
  • Carbon Retirement - Since our last update, Change Code has minted credits representing more than 38,000 tons of CO2 removed from the atmosphere. With minting and transfer functionality up and running, we spent a good portion of this cycle implementing retirement functionality for our carbon credits. Change Code carbon can now be minted, transferred, and retired!

  • Fiat Payments - As soon as our Good Generator platform is live, those interested will be able to purchase impact assets using fiat (credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, etc.). We hope to also be able to accept stablecoins before launch, so stay tuned for that.

  • Project Onboarding - To simplify the onboarding of change makers into the Good Generator platform, we've developed and integrated walkthrough forms through for projects to upload all the necessary information about their organization and impact and to begin minting their own impact tokens.

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© 2024 Change Code, Inc.